Tuesday, April 16, 2019

17 Days Til Launch - Paddling Film Fest Tonight

The reality of stepping away from my life for a month is hitting harder everyday. My youngest daughter turned eleven today and we are planning several celebrations of her birthday over the next few days. Today is also the local paddling film fest, that I am partially resposible for helping to oraganize and host. I'm excited to share my Inside Passage expedition plans and inspire others to get involved in volunteering with our club. The film fest is always a fun night and a great event for our club and community.

I am finished editing my "lists" and am now packing all of my sods and sorts into bags to be packed and repacked into my kayak.As I check off errands on my to do list I feel the anxiety waning and the excitement rising. There are still many things I must accomplish before setting off including filing our club's funding applications this week, presiding over our annual general meeting next week, and teaching an introduction to sea kayak rescue skills course days before our launch. (Not to mention buy a few last minute items, get USD at the bank, celebrate Easter, mail food to Wrangell, upgrade cell service & InReach, and more) I really want to get a few long training paddles in too!

Leaving my everyday life feels like the hardest part of the expedition planning. So many things could happen while I am out there and unable to do anything for the people I love most. I can only have faith that I have planned for the things I could and trust in my loved ones to take care of each other and be well when I return. It is hard to tell my own daytimer that is normally crammed with appointments and deadlines that I am unavailable for the month of May. It is a mental challenge for this matriarch to leave the nest unattended for such a stretch. I'm not even at the Inside Passage and yet I am conquering my first major challenge. 

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